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    Follow up – Parents meeting

    Hello all,


    Firstly, A huge congratulations to the boys for what they have achieved this year so far, and thank you for all your commitment to supporting your child and the team.

    Following on from our parent meeting I wanted to share my thoughts on a few points. 


    1)     How I plan to prepare the boys in the next couple of weeks before the league begins.

    2)     Highlight our team's style of play and what it will take to be successful.

    3)     Discuss the expectations of the boys during practice/games and how they can earn game time.


    Hopefully, this arms you with enough to have productive conversations to better support your child for the remainder of the season and be in alignment with the overall team’s strategy. 


    As I stated during the parent's meeting, I can’t guarantee equal game time. If a player is struggling to keep pace or meet the position or team’s expectations, I’ll need to take them off and continue their development at training. It’s not my ideal situation and I am sure it’s not yours. Unfortunately, this is the position we’ve been put in. I need to preserve all the work and confidence we’ve developed throughout this year. 


    For those that feel the game time is not enough, I’m able to offer playing opportunities in my lower team, as and when they become available. I can also find out about guest playing opportunities on a lower 2012 team.  For reference, my lower team is on course to win the Let’s Play B division, and has not lost a game in this league. 


    At this age, there are two main functions of play: offense and defense. How we execute as a team in these two areas will determine our success. 


    Each player must be disciplined. They need to follow instructions, remain in their positions to keep our team formation, and win their individual battles. 






    The strategy on defense is to close down play fast, force a mistake, and win the ball back as quickly as possible. In defense, I teach the players to narrow the field, close the passing channels, and try to force the opponents wide and away from the goal. It's important each player marks their opposite position and wins their individual battles for the team. 


    What is required to perform defense successfully?


    1)     Keeping our defensive position and team formation

    2)     Closing down the opposition with speed to force a mistake or win the ball

    3)     Be assertive/hard in tackles

    4)     Knowing when and how to jockey (keeping between the attacker and his intended target, slowing down the attacker), forcing a pass or mistake, and knowing when to tackle

    5)     Marking their opposite number quickly, and winning each individual battle






    The strategy for our attackers is not to lose the ball or give the ball away cheaply, to play the simplest option, make a good accurate solid pass, and move into open space where there is a clear passing channel to receive a pass. Before receiving the ball, they should know what the best passing option is, and then just keep repeating this simple process. If they can execute these basics to a high standard they'll do great.


    There are other nuances in the attack. I don’t mind players trying to dribble one player or on occasion two, but they need to know when they should make a pass and look for the return pass without running into trouble. If dribbling is unsuccessful then stop and return to basics so we can retain possession.  They must also look for the best linkup play, dribbling into space to draw players out of position and then making a pass. 


    I’m more concerned about players making passing mistakes or holding onto the ball too long and getting tackled, and therefore giving the ball away cheaply. Making these mistakes in certain areas on the field can open up scoring opportunities for the other team. We should make the opposition work hard to win the ball from us and earn their goals.


    What is required to perform offense successfully?


    1)     Quick decision-making – knowing the best distribution options before receiving the ball

    2)     Making accurate and solid passes that reach a teammate

    3)     Decent first touch/control

    4)     Good movement into open space with clear passing channels for linkup play

    5)     Playing the simplest option






    There is a lot more to the game of soccer I haven't mentioned here. These are appropriate developmental goals for this age group. 

    I expect the players to execute these basics at a decent level for their age, and stay disciplined throughout the game. They must always maintain the team structure and formation in defense and offense, and play their respective positions well. They need to win their individual battles, and play simple. They should not give the ball away cheaply, and should reduce the number of mistakes they make by playing simple. They need to work hard for themselves and their teammates when on the field. 


    I’m in the process of developing a pre-season practice strategy that will cover these areas consistently. Completing the ball mastery videos three times a week will support the preparation. Passing and receiving effectively is an essential part of our game. To assist with expediting each player’s development I’ll also be sending out a 10-minute wall passing drill the players can complete at the same time as the ball mastery. The ball mastery and wall passing drills will work to strengthen both feet. I understand not every player will have a wall available. If they do then the video will be available to them, if not I’ll cover it in training. I would recommend that players watch soccer videos on YouTube or professional matches to better understand the game.

    Playing in the premier division is no easy task. It's very competitive. However, with your support and the player's willingness, I will maximize the team's preparation and development between now and the first league game.

    If you have any questions and would like to discuss any of the above please contact me.


    All the best,



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