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    Hey all – The club has a new training jersey and a few items of branded fan gear / street wear available to order. The grey training jersey would be a good choice if you need or want another option for practices. You can visit the store and pay online here: Note that the store will only be open for ordering until July 15th. Please make sure you place any orders by then! There is an order period of 2 weeks...

    Hey all – Great to meet you all this evening. I look forward to getting to know those of you who are new to the team on the sidelines as the season progresses! There were a couple of questions that we promised some follow-up on, and I wanted to capture some of the announcements made… TOURNAMENTS IMPACT WB WELCOME LETTER PDF.pdf...

    ** If you are unable to carry out your assigned week, please work with the rest of the team to find someone who will swap, and let me know the changes **   Thursday, March 23 5:30pm @ Oquirrh Elementary - Canopy / oranges / linesman - Norton - Take canopy home - Brewer     Saturday, April 1 12:10pm @ Copperview Elementary - Canopy / oranges / linesman - Brewer - Take canopy home - Harvey     Thursday, April 13 5:30pm @ Spring Lane Elementary - Canopy / oranges / linesman...

    Hey all -   For each outdoor game, I will need a parent / family to own the following:   - Bring the canopy and set it up - Bring quartered oranges for halftime - Be a Certified Club Linesman for the game - **see below** - Take the canopy down and make sure the next person on the list takes it home   I'm thinking that it might be easiest to assign all tasks to the same family each week so that there's just a...

    Hello everyone -   There are *two* videos this week.   The first is a wall passing and first touch video with drills:   Looking for perfection not speed. However, intensity is important.   Please do the drills with both feet even if it feels uncomfortable on the weaker foot. Practicing the weaker foot is the only way to strengthen it. Being able to use both feet equally is a huge advantage.   Break each drill into 1 minute sessions for each foot. 5 drills using both feet...

    Hey all -   I know some of you like to copy over the TeamSnap schedule to your personal calendars, and it gets tricky to manage when there are rescheduled events and the like. There are a couple more games that are in the process of being rescheduled and I wouldn't want anyone to get caught out!   There's an article on the TeamSnap website here that walks you through how to subscribe to the TS schedule so that any updates...

    Hello -   This week's ball mastery video series is Ball Mastery #2.   A huge congratulations for those that completed the ball mastery video this past week.   I've reviewed the mistakes and scores uploaded into the spreadsheet from the forms each player fills out when completing the video. It's fairly consistent across the board.   Thanks,   Warren ...

    All -   The spring schedule has been published and is live on TeamSnap.   *Please look at the dates today and mark any already-known unavailability ASAP.*   A few things to note:   - The dates are a little all over the place - it's not going to be a regular Saturday game each week. In fact, only three of our eight games are on Saturdays - five are midweek.   - Please look at the dates very carefully. You'll note our first game is on...

    Hello all,   Firstly, A huge congratulations to the boys for what they have achieved this year so far, and thank you for all your commitment to supporting your child and the team. Following on from our parent meeting I wanted to share my thoughts on a few points.    1)     How I plan to prepare the boys in the next couple of weeks before the league begins. 2)     Highlight our team's style of play and what it will take to be successful. 3)     Discuss the expectations of...

    Hey everyone -   I needed to change the password for the protected pages on the website for a couple of technical reasons. Please don't pass it out to anyone outside of the team so that they can't piggy back onto the work we're doing, and please don't share it on the TeamSnap chat.   The Posts, Videos and Training pages now have the password…   IceBreaker23   Also, when we email important content such as weekly training info (and this email…), it will automatically...

    Good morning everyone -   This week's ball mastery video series is Ball Mastery #1. As we prepare for the premier division I would encourage three sessions a week per a player.   Each session needs to be done with high intensity and fun. What they put in they'll get out.   I would recommend the first 30 seconds to count how many mistakes the player makes and the next 30 seconds count how many they complete. You'll probably notice a difference in...